painting of a shitzu dog from a photograph
photo of a cat next to portrait painting
painting of a golden retriever from a photograph
painting of a golden retriever from a photograph
pet painting of a black lab in the woods

painting of a cat from a camera roll photo
pet portrait painting of a dog in profile
pet portrait of two cats, from separate photographs
pet portrait painting of a dog in profile
pet portrait painting of a wheaton terrier
pet painting commission of a dog from a photograph
head & shoulder pet painting of a golden retriever
head & shoulder pet painting of a cat
black & white drawing of a black lab from a photo
cat pet portrait painting from a camera roll photo
pet portrait painting of two frenchie dogs
pet portrait painting of two family dogs
head & shoulder pet painting of a dog
unveiling of dog portrait painting commission for happy client
before and after of a dog portrait painting from a photo
before and after of a cat portrait painting from a photo
before and after of a dog portrait painting from a photograph

happy client receiving her pet painting commissions of dogs